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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Best Ant Remedy

Had a new idea to increase my blog posts as things are getting rather scarce around here.  Lately I have to finish a quilting project to post.  Anyway I'm starting a Best of ... series.  I figure I have a good bit of experience in certain things and I should spread the wealth.  This is by no means anything scientific just my personal opinion and I welcome opposing thoughts.  So here's the first.

We all usually have ants in the house at some point.  It's not necessarily a matter of cleanliness just them getting inside where they can and after something they want.  I've tried the traps and liquid on cardboard that is supposed to take the poison back to their hill but what works for me to keep them away is citrus peels.  A while back I started peeling lemons and oranges and putting them in the freezer for later use.  I couldn't see eating an orange and throwing all that peel away.  The same for a lemon if all I wanted was the juice.  So what I do is take a strip of peel out of the freezer bag and lay it on the counter where I've seen the ants.  Voila  -  gone.  It also leaves a nice scent.  It will dry and curl up and when the scent leaves, you can put out another one. 

So that's my first idea.  Hope this helps someone out there.

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