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Monday, April 25, 2011

On the Road Again

Today was a big step for me - I drove for the first time since my surgery. It'll be six weeks Tues. but I felt pretty confident in driving to Edinboro for my bloodwork. I have to admit I was a little nervous at first and even told my husband not to watch me pull out. I spent a little time moving stuff around in the car the way I want it and knowing that as long as I'm driving there's no need to sit in the backseat anymore. Once I got behind the wheel, it was like I never left. I put my Lady Antebellum cd in, cranked it up and took off singing. I felt empowered! The only glitch I felt was when I saw a guy in a big truck swerving onto the berm and back onto the road. My foot hit the brake and I almost took the car off the road. All I thought about was getting into a wreck and with my coumadin, bleeding is not something I want to do. At least I was aware of what was going on around me and I felt I had some control so I didn't panic. I made it to the ACL for my bloodwork and then stopped at Giant Eagle to do a little shopping. It probably took me twice as long by myself but it felt good to browse the aisles. By the time I made it home I was beginning to feel tired and I could also feel the muscles in my chest that I've not used for six weeks. I know I can do it now and little by little I'll get there.

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