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Friday, July 29, 2011

On to the Next Project

I'm on the homestretch of one of my projects so I'm ready to move on to the next. I realized something about myself and my projects - I start too many of the same things, tire of them, get distracted with something else and then do nothing. What a scenario! I give myself alot of credit for even starting Christmas projects now but it's no good if I don't follow through. So instead of forcing myself to follow through with something else, I'm giving myself a chance to do a smaller project, something fun and for myself. What could be a better diversion? I'm still finishing up the quilt I started (yes, I said it, a quilt) and then I'm making a purse. This is called a grab bag or Japanese Knot purse that seems too easy to believe and for one of the first times I can remember, I'm following the instructions to a T. I think that's what usually gets me into trouble - I do it differently and then somewhere down the line I run into a problem and then I have to patch things to fix it. I've been heading to my local quilt shop (LQS, as they are called in the mags) where a great sale has been going on all month and buying material. This pattern for the purse calls for fusible fleece which I've never heard of let alone use, as have other people that work in the LQS. I was worried about the price ,as well I should have, as it was $7.99 yd. I managed to get a coupon at JoAnn's which gave me 40% off and doable so I'm excited to try that. So like I said this is a very simple pattern but has the details that I like and need such as inside pockets for phone, etc. I think what makes this purse is the selection of material and I'm ready for some brighter prints in my life. I'm using a darker print on the outside of the bag, lighter one inside (all the better to see you with my dear!) and a solid for the pockets inside. Wish me luck and google it if you'd like to see what I'm up to.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer Reflection

Well, it's been about a year that I've been blogging. At my 100th blog I said I'd like to hit 200 by my anniversary but I don't think that happened. What I didn't plan on was major surgery and the lack of interest in blogging for awhile. The last thing I wanted to do was complain about how bad I felt in my blog. You can tell I'm feeling better by my recent blog activity. Yesterday I sat on the deck having lunch and it brought back all those lunches from last year after I retired. It was quiet, peaceful, warm and I loved the sparkle from the pool. That was before the kids started back to school and the screams began. I got me thinking about what I've accomplished this year and as I thought, I realized that though I haven't done everything I expected, I've done alot. I'm happy about the crafts that I've completed and will continue on that trail. Despite my surgery setting me back a little, I think now I can say I'm coming back and things are good. Now for my next year of blogging I intend to take those quilting classes, focus on our cabin now that the basement will be completed, follow my daughter on her way to the altar (so to speak) and plan our move from this house to the next. I can't guarantee all of these will be realized, most will of course, but summer has always been more of a time for resolutions for me. My year always seemed to start with the school calendar so this is where I begin.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No Flags

I had my doctor visit with the PCP yesterday and I was very pleased. I felt confident when I went in that I was doing everything I'm supposed to and my bloodwork shows that. I've had good results on my coumadin for the past couple months so my fears about that are over. As the nurse gave me a copy of my bloodwork and I looked through it I saw no flags! Wow, that was a first. At my last check-up in Jan. my thyroid was all out of whack and other things such as blood pressure was not being controlled. This time my weight is down, bp is good, glucose is fine, cholesterol is great and gfr (kidney stuff) is good too. Hey, there's not much to talk about except getting a couple prescriptions and I'm outta here. This was really the first time since my surgery that I actually thought it might have done some good. I still have my cardiologist , or Danny Downer,to see in Aug. so I'm hoping he sees some positive things going on here and not anymore negative. Since I was out and about anyway, I left the office and went shopping, mainly to catch some more sales at the fabric store. What a great day!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Point, Touch and Print

I usually make my prints at Wal-Mart and over the years I've had my ups and downs with them. I would go to the store in Edinboro and sometimes it was so busy I couldn't get any copies. Then with the renovation, they added more machines which was good but they were very difficult in my opinion to use. I thought it was just me with the touch screens and I just didn't have the knack. In fact one young girl who was also using the machines said she was used to them because of her phone. Come on, it's not rocket science! I managed to print my pictures but it was frustrating to say the least. Then a few weeks ago a pen tool showed up at the machines and wow, did that work great! I thought it wasn't me after all. Last week I stopped at another Wal-Mart, a newer one, to make some prints. I looked all over for a pen but there was none so I had to use my finger. I was all over the place and ended up pressing anything just to be done. I see no point in having to give them my name and number when I'm waiting for my pictures so I didn't really care what name I gave them. I just wanted out of there. All of that for 1 picture! Maybe it's still me and I'm losing my patience with the world but now I know there's a better way.

Monday, July 25, 2011


I mentioned before about QVC having their Christmas in July special this past weekend and how I was looking forward to it. I didn't buy anything but I had a good time looking for new ideas and I think that's what QVC is all about. Here's some things that stood out.

  1. One really good deal was the five candles in glass containers for $30 and S&H was free! That was a pretty good deal with the free shipping - even the maker of it was impressed.

  2. Of course, the TSV from Bethlehem Lights on Sat. was spectacular! Not that it got my eye just on appearance but when they said the outlet ran the length of the trunk, I thought GENIUS!!!! What I wouldn't have given for something like that over the years. I thought when I got my prelit tree, I was home safe but I realized the work is just beginning with those cords. This is a no brainer and like I said GENIUS!!!

  3. One other Christmas item caught my eye over the weekend was the hanging basket with lights and ornaments. It was $35 and had the battery operated lights with greenery in a hanging basket. That looked really gorgeous and something that would be nice at my house or eventually at the cabin but I won't pay that much as I would want more than one. They even commented how much it would cost if you made it yourself. It wouldn't cost me much because I would use some hanging planters that I already have, I would use regular lights to plug in (in the dark you wouldn't see the cord anyway), and I would use real greenery and pass on the ornaments. Voila, we have a freebie!

I'm trying not to buy Christmas stuff since I have more than what I need now. It's very difficult but at least I can get some ideas and make something. I'm glad QVC came through for me this weekend.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Goodwill Road Trip

I had an eye-opening experience at the Goodwill in New Castle yesterday. I left for the birthday party early so I could stop in my favorite Goodwill (really, this is the best). I could have bought more but I held back and only marveled at all the stuff they had. I did buy what looked like a small linen tablecloth that I thought I could make a purse out of. At the checkout, I mentioned again how it was the best Goodwill and I'd like to do a road trip and visit Goodwills. The girl then told me she's talked to me about that before! What are the chances of that happening? Well, maybe pretty good but it got me thinking that per chance I am all talk and no show. We visit alot of Goodwills during our travels as I've mentioned before but I'd like to do something with some girlfriends who enjoy the experience as much as I do, not that my hubby doesn't find anything to buy because he does. At the last retirees lunch I went to, I was going to ask one of the ladies for a commitment but she wasn't there. I think in Aug. I will bring it up again and possibly make plans to stay at the cabin overnight therefore widening our search. We'll see what happens. Some people are all talk and no show, ha-ha.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Super Saturday

That's how I'm feeling about today, partly because I haven't had many Saturdays this summer where I could just relax and sit in front of the tv for one reason or another. It began in the middle of the night with some rain. I was so happy for my hubby because almost every day this week he's been watering the garden. Then I slept in a little, got up and while drinking my coffee, I realized all my sewing shows are on today. Thennnn, I thought I'd flip to QVC and saw that it was CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!!! Wow, was I excited. I didn't even think about it and it just sneaked up on me. What a great day!!!! I'm sure some of you are puzzled by my enthusiasm but when these things fall into place like this, I get excited. Of course I won't be sitting in front of the tv all day - my nephew's birthday party is tonight so I will get out of the house for a while but I'm sure I will be itching to get back home to see what else QVC has to offer tonight.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Wow, what a heat wave! Thank goodness for the pool and air conditioning. The water by now is warm enough that you slip right in without having to get used to it but not nearly as refreshing. Believe or not I'm getting more work done in this heat than before. My plan is to go in the pool for awhile then get out and do some work. My projects yesterday were cleaning the cars out. By the time mine was done, I went back into the pool to cool off then I repeated it for my hubby's car. Today my project will be cleaning the garage fridge so hope all goes well. I could go into an air conditioned house but it's just not the same and I'd still have to deal with all the sweat running down my face. My pool time also gives me an opportunity to make some phone calls as I did the last couple of days. While I'm sitting out by the pool and have a better connection, I dial up someone and talk. It's also been pretty quiet out there, I guess it's too hot to make much noise, too.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Handicapped Stall

This is something I came across in the paper last week and have been thinking about it ever since. A reader was annoyed that people who were not handicapped were using the stall in the bathroom reserved for them. It got me thinking that I use that stall just out of convenience. For one thing it's usually furthest from the entrance and you can move around without crashing into a wall. Of course, if anyone handicapped is in there, I would surely let them use it. I didn't realize that people think of it like a handicapped parking space but I don't. It is not typically off-limits to anyone who isn't handicapped but merely there for someone who is. Not to be flip but if they are in a wheelchair maybe they can wait for the stall better than someone else who has to stand. I know that sounds awful but I'm just being honest. Since that article I've watched and I'm not the only one who uses that stall so in the future I will continue but always with regard to other people using the restroom.
Just a side note about my magazine subscription debacle in a previous blog - the $5.99 was for Better Homes and Gardens and I just received my Martha bag for my subscription to Living for $10.00 (what a deal).

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How dare they!

This really bothers me today - renewals for magazine subscriptions. A while back we got a offer to get a subscription for a magazine (thought it was Good Housekeeping) for $5.99 but it was in my hubby's name. Then I received a notice from GH saying I was up for renewal (sub in my name) and they have a new program that says I will be automatically renewed unless they hear otherwise from me. Thennnnnn, I got a renewal notice saying I owed $10.00 by Aug. 8 for my subscription for GH that expires in Nov. I decided it was time to call. During the initial options I said no to the auto renewal but still wanted to talk to someone. When the girl came on the phone I proceeded to explain the situation and she informed me that I was renewed until 2012 because I had paid in Feb. of this year. What the ....? By that time I was so confused and irritated that I canceled the whole thing. Now I'm not even sure what I renewed for $5.99. Is this just a string of senior moments, am I losing my mind, can I be trusted with any sort of paperwork or bills or am I fine and the rest of the world totally screwed up? I guess I can check the checkbook registry and see what I'm subscribed to but I'm thinking I'm better off paying a little extra and buy my magazines off the shelf. I feel a little like my mother-in-law and how we and she were both paying for her subscriptions at one time. Who know how far up she was paid. Maybe they are even targeting the seniors knowing we hardly remember what day it is let alone what magazines we're getting. I think I'll start writing more stuff down.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Scrapbook Completed

I finished the scrapbook for the kids yesterday and left it at the cabin to be picked up this coming weekend. I was pretty proud of myself considering how long it usually takes me to finish anything. I had mentioned before about how engrossed I get in scrapbooking and don't want to stop. Then I didn't do anything for a couple of days and wondered if I'd have the same enthusiasm for it when I started again. Well, I did! I was even loosing my light and kept plugging away to get it finished. I also realized why all those letters and things were so cheap when I bought them on sale - they are real buggers to use. Some of the letters are like cellophane and they break apart or stick to everything. I'll have to be more careful in the future to buy things that are easier to use. Now I'm ready to get back into some of my other projects. Just as a side note - we went to two craft festivals I had never been to before, one in Boalsburg and the other in State College. They both had some interesting things but for my price point, I'll take Boalsburg or even better - High Country!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Scrapbook for the Kids

It's been awhile since I've scrapbooked but that hasn't stopped me from buying more paper, letters and punches when I see them on sale. I'm enjoying getting back into it but I'm finding it hard to organize my ideas to put on paper and stopping. I get consumed in scrapbooking and don't want to stop. Even for supper last night, I would turn some chicken on the grill and immediately sit and do more scrapbooking. I'm also using many of those packages of letters that I've accumulated and my favorite has been the ones that look like they have waves at the bottom. That was great with the pool pictures. However, my question now is what do I do with the leftover letters when I've used all the p's, a's, e's and s's? I just leafed through a scrapbooking magazine and found a page where they said you could use different styles of letters on the same page. What a great idea! I'm trying to do something I haven't done before on each page so I'll definitely try this. I've also realized by looking at the pictures that I forgot to get some important shots so today I might take a couple more pictures. Having a deadline for finishing this project is crucial as I have so many other things started that I can very easily get distracted. I want it done by this weekend so maybe my compulsion to do it will be just what I need. I hope everyone likes it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mission Accomplished

We got the grandkids back home on Saturday so now I'm busy putting together a scrapbook for them with all the pictures from the week. We managed to do almost all the things we had hoped for and they were real troopers through it all. I can thank their parents for doing the ground work and making last week possible. We were confident that we could take them anywhere and be proud, even with less than normal amounts of sleep. I am amazed at what good eaters both of them are. Even faced with something they really don't care for, they don't fuss and carry on like some kids. They were also willing to try some new stuff such as the wings at Chuck E. Cheese. I realize we catered to them, more so than with our own kids, but that's pretty much what grandparents are there for. When I did have to say "no", the kids were very good about it and didn't fight me. My main goal was to get them home safe and sound and then want to do it again next year. Hopefully it was Mission Accomplished.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's Getting Tough on the Old Folks

Yes, it's gettin tough! The kids are doing great despite shorter sleeping hours and a pretty hectic schedule. I am amazed at how flexible and cooperative they have been especially since I have been saying "no" more each day. We've been jumping in the pool everyday which sort of is our down time. Tues. we went to the Buffalo Farm and shopping and Wed.(yesterday) we went to Waldameer. I remember when my kids were young I would take them to the waterpark first then on the rides. How did I ever do it? Braden is game for anything and my husband is the same way. Audrey is a little more skeptical but we still managed to get her on some big rides such as the big swings and Thunder River. Braden put his arms around her when we went on Thunder River which was so sweet and I think she really liked the ride, especially getting wet. I had every intention of coming home yesterday and making supper on the grill but we just ran out of time so we hit Sara's. This morning the kids are sleeping in , hence my chance to write this. My husband and I are both feeling the effects of an afternoon at Waldameer - stiff, sore and moving slowly. We're off again today for our last day of doing Erie things and probably won't have time for the pool. I'll keep you posted and wish us luck!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th Celebrations

We had a real nice 4th of July celebration and the best part was I didn't have to cook! After an afternoon of swimming we planned on going to the Riverside Inn for their festivities. Of course, Audrey fell asleep on the couch before we left. I should have known with the pool that she would get tired especially after going through that with my kids after a day at the beach. She woke up well and got in the car but on the way down, Braden fell asleep. Pop-Pop carried him out of the car and then he woke up. The kids were still in good moods after all that so I was optimistic. They were serving a pig roast there which was delicious. They had a bunch of stuff to do and look at, a couple things that really appealed to the kids were face painting, the pie-eating contest and of course the fireworks. We met up with the neighbors and their 2 daughters which was really nice. The girls were in planning mode as soon as they got together and came up with an idea for a sleepover. The face painters did an excellent job and hopefully I can post some pictures later of what they came up with. It was a shame to have to wash it all off. The fireworks were really nice especially when we were expecting alot less. Trying to get out was a bugger and then when we finally made it out, both kids were asleep again! They were still in good spirits the next morning - ready for a new day with the old folks. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First Day with the Grandkids

Sunday we got the grandkids while we were at the cabin to stay with us for the week. We've had alot of things planned to do with them and some fell through which was disappointing. I was surprised that the first 24 hours included a few of the things I had hoped to share with the kids. The first afternoon, even before my son had a chance to leave, the kids and I both got to see a rattlesnake. It was up on our neighbors roof and my husband took a gun over for the neighbor's son to use to kill it. I knew, despite the efforts of those kids, that if I ever wanted to have those kids with us again I better not let them over there until it was all over. At one point while sitting on the front porch of our cabin, my grandson said "Will we be able to hear when they shoot it?". Immediately after that we heard the shot and the question was answered. We got the go-ahead and went over to see it and talk to the family of our neighbor. That will be something they will remember. That evening we went looking for elk and saw several doe and one huge bull elk that literally stopped traffic. People were pulling off to the side of the road, getting out and walking into the person's yard to take a picture. We at least did it from inside the car. We finished off the evening with some fireworks that the kids enjoyed. This morning I wasn't sure how early they would get up and if they would be able to see the deer at the cabin but it worked out perfectly. They were able to see the doe and two baby fawns come into the yard first thing in the morning. We really love having the chance to share these things with these 2 wonderful kids. I'll keep you posted on our adventures.