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Monday, July 18, 2011

Scrapbook Completed

I finished the scrapbook for the kids yesterday and left it at the cabin to be picked up this coming weekend. I was pretty proud of myself considering how long it usually takes me to finish anything. I had mentioned before about how engrossed I get in scrapbooking and don't want to stop. Then I didn't do anything for a couple of days and wondered if I'd have the same enthusiasm for it when I started again. Well, I did! I was even loosing my light and kept plugging away to get it finished. I also realized why all those letters and things were so cheap when I bought them on sale - they are real buggers to use. Some of the letters are like cellophane and they break apart or stick to everything. I'll have to be more careful in the future to buy things that are easier to use. Now I'm ready to get back into some of my other projects. Just as a side note - we went to two craft festivals I had never been to before, one in Boalsburg and the other in State College. They both had some interesting things but for my price point, I'll take Boalsburg or even better - High Country!

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