Monday, March 18, 2013
Quilting Project
In keeping you up-to-date on quilting projects, here's the latest. No picture yet but there was some drama with this. A little background first - I needed a project for my quilting class on Thurs. so I decided to make a table runner. The project was to be something smaller like a wall hanging or crib quilt size but I went a step further and did a table runner. This was mainly so I would be more apt to finish it and not have one more thing hanging over my head. Years ago I found some flowered material, three different ones to be exact, to make into a runner. The first was a bigger sunflower print (too green for this), a daffodil print (too small and dark) and the daisy print which was just right. Sorry to sound like Goldilocks but I wanted it to be right. My original plan was to use the daisy for the pieced flower and a polka-dot for the center and surrounding areas. I opted for a light gold center so it stood out better. It was a good choice. I made the half-square triangles (HST) after I finally figured out how big to make them. The instructions for them said to make them 7/8 in. bigger than finished size. I've make mistakes like this before so I went with 2 1/2 in as my finished size which included the seam allowance. That was a mistake. So after I had to cut down the squares I was back on track. The first block is always difficult or should I say not my best, and this was no different. By the second one (it took 3) I felt like I had it. Then as I was ironing the seams, my iron overheated, burned the ironing board cover, the material and thread in the seams. Thank goodness it was only 2 rows that I was putting together. I had another iron but I needed a new ironing board cover. The problem was that it was a small tabletop one and I don't even think they make covers for these. It was cheaper to just buy a new one, cover and all. Now I'm in good shape with a better iron and board. I have all 3 blocks together and just need to edge it and put the layers together, ready to quilt on Thurs. I'm excited to try the meandering technique with this and I'll keep you posted.
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