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Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Goals

When I was still working, I thought about all the crafts I wanted to finish or do but knew I'd have to wait for more time.  After retiring and starting this blog, procrastinating was off the table.  One of the themes of the blog was  "No more excuses".  I'd have to say my goals have been working on all those crafts and finishing projects.  Something I want as far as decorating the cabin has been an afghan and quilt on every bed.  I initially wanted to use up material that I had but with every new purchase there is more and more to use up.  I have a place at the cabin to sew so that will be an ongoing goal for quite awhile.  Since I'm not sure when we'll be moving to the cabin on a permanent basis, I want to make the most of the resources we have here such as the garden and fruit trees.  I just made 3 batches of Cinnamon-Crabapple jelly from our tree, thinking that will probably be the last I will do.  I'm pretty sure it will last awhile even using some for Christmas gifts.  I know these goals are ones that can be measured, etc. like those Smart Goals I've mentioned before but I'd also like to have some not-so Smart Goals that are even more important.  Oprah wrote in her magazine this past year that when making New Year's resolutions we should use adjectives instead of verbs or nouns.  So in the spirit of simplifying my life I'd like to make a goal to be happy, busy and satisfied with what I've accomplished, no timeline and the only judge will be me.

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