I warned you I'd be catching up on all this so here goes. This challenge is to name my favorite movie but picking one is next to impossible. A few years back this scenario was put out there - if you were stranded on a desert island with only a tv and dvd player, what 5 movies would you pick to watch for the rest of your life? Well, my response to this challenge is similar to this question but I'm organizing them in categories because a lot depends on your mood and the season. The first category is musicals which I would include Dirty Dancing, Mama Mia and Grease (can't whittle that down at all, sorry). The second category would be comedies which would be Up in Smoke and Saving Grace. Both of these involve marijuana - what can I say but I think it's hilarious and it gets me laughing every time. As far as the drama/thriller movie I'd have to pick The Game with Michael Douglas. You either love it or hate it but it's one of those movies I could watch over and over. The final category is seasonal movies and I'd have to pick Santa Claus, The Movie. There's just something about this movie that pulls you in and makes you believe - I love it!
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