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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Popcorn Stitch Afghan

I couldn't wait to write a blog about the afghan I'm just about to finish.  This is one I've been eyeing up for a long time but until lately never thought it was in the cards to make. That's mainly because it's done in all white and it's a popcorn stitch.  I probably could have used another color but it just seemed appropriate to use the white.  I made it for a full size bed which I only have one other one and that's the scrap afghan done in a diagonal stitch that we use on our bed.  So I needed one for the cabin and started this one a couple months ago.  Well, like I said, it's almost done.  The last couple days I've been working on the fringe.  No one around here seems to like fringe on afghans and my first thought was to do a different edging.  But the fringe really completes it and besides, it's a unique way of doing it.  To do this fringe you first sc across the row then coming back you sc in a stitch, chain 30, then slip st in the same stitch.  It really looks nice.  The chains are supposed to twist and at first, I was trying to twist them myself.  I soon realized that I like it even if it isn't twisted.  I will definitely do this version of fringe again.  I will post a picture of it soon.

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