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Monday, January 14, 2013

Close Call on the Road

We had a very foggy weekend, all the way from here down to our cabin.  I noticed along the way that the more snow there was, the more fog.  My hubby explained that it was called sublimation or when a solid (snow) goes directly to a gas (fog).  This all took place because of the temperature change.  Anyway, it was definitely worse up on the hill at the cabin and as we took off to eat Sat. night, the road to the restaurant was no exception.  My hubby took it slow and with the fog lights on was able to see the lines on the side of the road.  Visibility was quite low for oncoming traffic but we were managing.  Of course, some people were not as cautious as we were and also thought as long as they were driving a big truck with 4-wheel drive, they were invincible.  At one point I saw my hubby veer to the right off the road, then the oncoming traffic moved to our lane and that aforementioned truck was driving on the berm on the opposite side of the road.  It all happened so fast.  I attribute all of us getting out of that in one piece to my hubby for his quick thinking in moving off so others could avoid a collision.  Then, to top it off, when we all resumed our lanes, 2 other cars behind us passed like bats out of hell!  Were we going too fast?  Hell, no!  That was exactly right for weather conditions.  Those other drivers put the safety of everyone else on the road with their actions. 

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