Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Poor Paula
I do feel bad for Paula Deen, especially after seeing her this morning on the Today show. You know she's right when she says none of us have never said anything we regretted or wish we could have taken back so we can't throw stones at her. At least she didn't lie about it. I'm glad she tried to focus on the personal aspect of all this and not losing her business dealings. I can't feel much sympathy in that regard because she should know what she's getting into. I mean who cares if Smithfield ham dumped her? In my opinion, when the whole diabetes thing came out she should have been the one dumping them! See how that feels, Smithfield. But really, it's awful hard to feel too bad for people that are raking in that much money. And no one should care what she says until it might get them some money out of it. We've all said things we shouldn't have - it's that dark side in all of us. No matter how nice you think you are, there's still that dark side.
Monday, June 24, 2013
This Is How It Works
Here I stand in another predicament as far as facebook notifications and friend requests. I'm sure it's all going on behind my back and there's nothing I can do. I only have 6 friends on facebook and unfortunately for everyone else, you have to either be a blood relative or be married into my list of friends. Not that I'm trying to be snobbish but I know from experience that this is how I want it to be. Now I know how things work - you go to a party, have a great time, come home and post on a invite site and then try and friend other people you meet at the party. Mind you, I did have a great time and would love to talk with these people again but just can't do it on facebook. I don't even get the notifications because I would have to turn them down and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. What to do??? Then it hit me - my calling card idea!!! I ran out of them a while back but I think I need to make more. This had my e-mail, phone number and blog site on it. At least this way I'm giving people an alternative to staying in contact. I have to admit I do check other people's facebook pages. I hope that's not wrong of me. Of course I'm only able to see those that permit it. I think all this stems from the control issues I have. I didn't realize it until something like this turns up. Now I should get to work on those cards and stop beating myself up.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Rude Comment
This blog post is about Dear Abby this morning. She wrote about a woman who has a big belly because of her weight but she is always being mistaken for being pregnant. We've all been there, maybe not personally but watching someone either give the comment or receive it. It is embarrassing all the way around. What I thought was unusual was Abby's reply. Normally she's not this tough on people but she basically told this lady to lose weight. I realize there could be some medical reason for this and judging solely on this letter might not be right, but I think Abby might be in for some comments herself. I have to comment on the young girls' maternity clothes now. It is pretty obvious when a young girl is pregnant with her choice of tops. Back when I was pregnant we almost tried to hide our bump with big, pouffy tops but not anymore. Skin-tight, bright colors and an arrow pointing to the baby-on-board is the rule of the day now. There should be no mistaking. I think a better rule would be that if you aren't sure, keep your mouth shut. I think these comments of Abby's might not help her feel any better but they also might be the incentive for her to try something to alleviate the problem, if she can. Also it bothers me that men can have their beer belly and never be in the same situation. Maybe people just don't insult a man the same way they do a woman or not at all. Anyway it will be interesting to read any remarks on this subject.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Coke Box Liner
I don't have a picture of this yet, mainly because it doesn't look like anything until I put it in the box. I finished the fabric liner I made for my daughter's Coke box. It was with the same material that I used for the mixer cover and table runner but this shows off the flowers that match the Coke symbol. This was definitely a learning experience. It seemed so simple that I didn't have a pattern. I just took the measurements and did it. Now I can say I think I tore as much out as I sewed on it. I admit I had no idea what I was doing but I learned. I used 4" squares for the inside bottom but measured that all wrong and had to redo it a couple of times. The sides went together pretty well except the second side I sewed wrong sides together - what was I thinking! Then I did the strip with the flowers that shows on the outside of the box and once I figured out how they should go, it was a snap. Putting the elastic on was a little bit trickier and it didn't end up like I intended but it works even better. Hopefully I'll have pictures to show later. Now on to the next project.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Things To Do With Kids
I spent the past week helping out with the grandkids and while I was there I found a book titled "365 things to do with your kids while they're still young enough to enjoy it" Ain't that the truth though. I see such a difference in the kids at this age as to what they enjoy and don't. I have to admit that after browsing the book, we've all done a pretty good job already. I include things that my hubby and I have done with our own kids because this will stay with them so they can repeat it with their own. We always do some kind of a craft while I'm out there and this time it was sun catchers. I think they've probably done this before or at least a version of it already. This time though I picked out some things specifically for them (horses and sports). It was a success! We also did the usual cooking (make your own pizza on the grill and sugar cookies). They also turned out pretty good despite using some packaged products (thank goodness for Sharp Shopper). We also went out after dark one night and had a game of hide and go seek with the headlights I bought them for Christmas. That was fun and we'll include some neighbor kids in that the next time. I go back in July and have my next project lined up - flour stars in the grass. I'll try them here first to make sure it'll work but it sounds like fun. That will be worth another blog I'm sure.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
One Year
My daughter just came by to pick up the top of her wedding cake to celebrate her anniversary this weekend. I first had quite a scare when we came home. I knew she would be stopping by for it so as soon as we got home I looked for it in the freezer. I was scared to death when I couldn't find it and I thought I may have thrown it out. If fact I was in a panic and almost took off to the store to buy another one. I called my daughter to find out from her that she had already stopped by here to get the cake first. What a relief! It brought back a similar memory from my sister's wedding years ago. We had no idea about the tradition of saving the top of the cake to eat on your anniversary so my family ate the cake after her wedding. Imagine her surprise upon returning from her honeymoon to find there was no cake left. Anyway, this ended much better and my daughter and her husband will be celebrating this weekend. It got me thinking about what all has happened in the span of the last year. My hubby reminded me this week of the anniversary of not smoking anymore. Of course that came about in a rather dramatic way that does not need to be remembered. It's probably one of the few things he will never forget though. Besides the births of my kids, the only hospital stay I remember the exact date of is my heart surgery, Mar. 15, 2011. There were other things that happened since last year that have had and will forever affect our lives. Hopefully time will heal and make those memories not so hurtful.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Name Sign

Saturday, June 1, 2013
I just had to write this about statistics of winning the lottery or being hit by a tornado. I wish they would stop talking about this on tv. It makes me feel like it's pointless to play the lottery but it's all about luck. It only takes one ticket and as long as you're not using all your retirement money, it should be ok. Some people spend that money on cigs and it goes up in smoke with nothing to show for it. And then they talk about a 1 in 2 million chance to be hit by a tornado. Is that supposed to make the people in Moore, OK feel better about losing their house? Don't get me wrong - I have the utmost sympathy for what those people are going through. But when you live in tornado alley, chances are going up. Just like if you live in CA you're more likely to experience an earthquake. We get the snowstorms here, Florida gets the hurricanes, etc. It's all luck and where you live.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Something Different
Starting something different craftwise. Now that I have my new shelves up at the cabin, it's time to execute some of the projects I've had planned to decorate them with. One of those projects was a stained glass name sign. Not really stained glass, although I could probably take a classs and do it, but this is an easier version using Gallery Glass. I bought this kit years ago to use on the sidelight to our front door but never did it. Nothing seemed right so a couple years ago it got put out for a garage sale. I found this pattern for the name sign just in time to bring it back in before it sold. All it is is a picture frame with a glass front which is done with the paint to make the letter M. I have the simulated leading on it now and I'm just waiting to get the paint for the inside of the letter. I think it will look really nice up on those shelves. Next project will be that old window I scarfed from someone's trash. I wanted to put mirror paint on the glass but never found it so now I'm thinking this stained glass effect. Of course, the wood around it will be in the crackle finish. I'll keep you updated.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Who Picks These?
I'm talking about the trials on tv, such as the Jodie Arias one now. The first one I remember was O.J. Simpson years ago. It was summer and I remember hearing the news reports when we were at Parker Dam that his wife had been killed and he was a suspect. He was big news back then and we were all interested in listening to the reports, even my Aunt Mary Jane. We used to have long talks about it back then. I admit I spent a lot of time in front of the tv that summer watching everything I could on the subject. In my opinion that was different than the recent trials that have taken up so much time on morning tv. I have to blame the media for it and their desire to fuel the flames so to speak and their own consultants including Nancy Grace. Who really cared about Casey Anthony or Jodie Arias besides the town and families of all concerned. It was definitely not of national concern. So why make such a show of it and get us all sucked in this way. Now they are saying we have to go through this again with Jodie. Excuse me but no, we don't. Read about it on the internet if you have to but don't let the media determine what we are interested in.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Another Pet Peeve
Here's another one of my pet peeves - businesses not returning our calls for service. I didn't think we were that hard to work for, so why won't some of them call back. The first time was a plumber that happens to be a family friend and we've always tried to give them our business, big and small. I realize that the small jobs are more trouble than they're worth but doesn't it go along with the work. A case in point was when we tried to reach the plumber about a problem and when he didn't call back, we contacted someone else. This small job turned into a major one with replacement of our outside well pump. Too bad for him. At this point we will not be calling him. Now we are faced with a problem with the AC. This has been going on since last summer. Now when it's starting to warm up, he's not showing up. We waited all last week and when he didn't call, oh well. I realize things come up but that's what phones are for - dah! We have an answering machine too! The sad part is this guy is local, right up the street in fact, so he could actually walk down and check it out for us. Maybe business is that good that he doesn't need another possible install. Good for you.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Shop Hop Updates
When I went on the shop hop, I wrote about some of the things I wanted to buy along the way to be entered in the drawing. Well, I've been able to try out some of the things I bought and have an update. I wanted the rubber rings that go under a ruler to keep it from sliding while I cut material but someone talked me into the sandpaper circles instead. I've been putting these circles on all my rulers and they work really well. I'm still not convinced they are better than the others but these will certainly work. Yesterday I was trying to finish up the table runner I'm making my daughter after having to buy more fabric for the back. I wanted to use the binding tool I bought on the shop hop. I guess that one day at the class I took was not enough for me to remember how to use it. Mind you, I was just watching that day as I registered late. The instructions were not the best even though it was touted that they were right there on the tool. I goofed, and goofed and had to add more binding strips to what I had originally sewn on. I also had to find a video that would explain it better. Now I know and it looks good. Of course, my attempt at also sewing the other side of the binding on with the machine was not as perfect. Hopefully, practice will make perfect. I made one more revelation as I reorganized my sewing room about some small projects I'd like to try and other templates I bought at the shop hop. I 'm going to make some blocks, sometimes referred to as UFO's (UnFinished Objects) and add to them to make pillow shams. They would finish off the bed very nicely, I think. That might also get some of those patterns out of my system so I can finish bigger projects I have. We'll see what happens.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Hangin' Bugs
Just another comment on the hanging strawberry plant and others. When we got home we noticed a hanging pouch on the side of the plant. We assumed it was some kind of fertilizer that could be put on but there were no directions. It also came with the dahlia that my daughter gave us. At that point my hubby looked it up on the internet and found it was bugs. That's right - bugs!!! They were supposed to keep other bugs away so there was nothing to do. They could have told us that because we took them off so they wouldn't get wet. This is where some direction would have been very helpful. So now you know if you encounter the same sort of thing.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
What's Hangin'
Spring is upon us, thank goodness. But now our thoughts are on plants. We've already been to Johnston's buying spreading ground evergreens for the side of the garage. My hubby had certain specific varieties picked out that he found either online or at the home show earlier. We also went to the Holden Arboretum near Cleveland for their plant sale. Like I said most of the purchases were my hubby's choice but while I'm at these places, I can't help but eye up some of the more interesting things. While at Johnston's, I saw a hanging strawberry plant. It was so neat I had to get it. It's an everbearing that even has runners which makes it perfect for a hanging basket. Then when we were at my daughter's this past weekend, in a quick trip inside Marc's, my hubby picked me up another variety for only $5. He knows what I like and the price was definitely right. So along with a beautiful dahlia plant my other daughter gave me, I'm all set out front. Of course, that doesn't stop me from looking. Yesterday we made our annual trip to Plantscape for flowers for the graves. As we were finishing I saw a bunch of strawberry plants for sale. I looked and looked for hanging baskets but there were none to be found. They missed the boat in my opinion. I feel like these were the pick of the season (no pun intended). Oh well, I have my 2 which will be producing berries in the near future and now I also know how to keep them a little longer. Sorry, but that will be another blog post, maybe after more research.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Where the Sales Are
Just had to write something about Gabes. I've mentioned needing pants to fit into and my hubby said BonTon had capris on sale. Well, I absolutely hate BonTons and their price was still $20 for capris. That's not my idea of a sale. I usually go to Grove City Outlet for stuff like that but I knew it would be awhile before I got down there. So my next thought was Gabes. Last year I got a bunch of GV long pants at $10 each which was a really good deal so I thought I'd try them. I know it's hit or miss with whatever I'm looking for but it was worth a try. I did have to scour the place but I walked into the dressing room with my limit (8 items) and back out with 4 items (3 capris and 1 shirt). Success!!! Most of it was $5.99 and 1 was 7.99 and even got a pair of Eddie Bauer capris. I was very happy. I think also if I can lose some weight, they'll still fit ok. Another thing I was looking for were the new Sketchers sneakers with memory foam in them but couldn't find those. I have a pair of flip-flops that has it and they are wonderful. The only problem is when you don't wear socks, they get really stinky. I've washed the whole shoe but I think sneakers would be great because I could take out the liner and wash it separate. Anyway, I wear socks with them so it really wouldn't be an issue. I'll keep looking. Great shopping day!!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Diet Woes
I feel like I hit my limit with my weight especially when the only pants I could fit into were exercise pants. I'm exaggerating of course but you get the idea. I have cut down on portion sizes drastically but to no avail. I realize that my biggest problem is low metabolism but this is ridiculous. So I'm going with a plan that worked for me in the past which is higher protein, no sweets, no breads, more water, etc. - you get the idea. It kind of fits in with what they talked about this morning on tv - the same food every day. It really takes the excitement out of eating so you're not looking forward to it as much. The down side is I'll probably be eating salads every day which could influence my meds. We'll see what happens. Unfortunately, the clothes situation is desperate so I might have to shop for a couple more things.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Shop Hop Update
Well, here's the update on the bus trip. All in all I'd say it was a successful and fun trip. I was able to purchase many of the things on my list and obtained the required number of stamps to get an entry in the prize drawing. Some places were more accommodating than others and for that reason I'm more inclined to return to certain shops. All of the shops provided snacks for us when we visited which was nice. We also were treated to lunch at the new Needle in a Haystack quilting retreat which was exceptionally nice. I think I would say I'd go on another shop hop in the future.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Off On a Bus Trip
Well, tomorrow I'm off on a shop hop. It's a bus trip that stops at 8 different quilt shops in an area. It will be a long day but at least I'm not driving. The lady that has organized it has us at 45 min. at each shop. I've been putting a lot of thought into what I can buy at each place so as to guarantee an entry for the prizes. We also get a discount at each shop. I'm sure with 20 coming at once, there won't be a lot of time to cut fabric so I have a couple quickie purchases in mind.
- True Grips - These are small rubber circles to put under rulers to keep them from slipping.
- Binding tool - Just used one of these the other day in a binding class. I'm always trying to perfect my binding skills.
- Templates - I'm still looking for that Rapid-Fire Lemoyne Star one. Of course, a diamond or triangle template would also add to my collection.
- Fat Quarters - Any of these in suitable prints would be quick and easy since they are pre-cut.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Need a Lift?
My hubby and I decided to do some grocery shopping yesterday. Our first stop was Giant Eagle to pick up a ham which was on sale for .99 lb. For the life of me I can't understand why at this time but, whatever, it was a good deal. We started out trip through the store and past the produce and down through the bakery we went. I then turned to my hubby and asked if he noticed the store was full of old people. He said he noticed the same thing. This has happened before at Erie County Farms and at the time I wrote a blog about it. Most of these people were by themselves though and as we were leaving we saw a Lift bus parked at the end of the parking lot. I'm not sure it was related or not. What was interesting was that it wasn't just that store. Valu-King looked the same. We also went to Save-a-Lot but there was no one else in there. What a great day for shopping! It's funny when we talk about old people like they were aliens and so different from us. The point of it all was that we fit right in - no problem! We don't shop enough to know if it's just on Wed., every week, once a month or what? But like I said, we like it!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Finished the Runner
I got my daisy table runner done in time for Easter and it looked nice but what a lot of work. It was supposed to be a simple project. I wrote another blog describing the pieced daisy flowers surrounded by med. blue fabric with yellow polka dots. I knew at the time it was too much blue and in putting in the binding, I needed more of the daisy print. During the class, the others suggested I do the outline quilting, daisy binding and a light gold flange to match the center of the daisy. After quite a few broken needles and frustrating days, I did the outline quilting. I will never do the same again, or at least not in 1/4 inch intervals like this. I did my best to keep things even but that was near impossible. Also, it would have been much easier if the pattern had been simpler. I reached a point in my quilting that was very tricky. The flange, or narrow folded flap that goes just inside the binding, went in well. I really like the look of this and will definitely do it again. The binding went in smooth also even though I opted to finish it by hand. I just wasn't sure of the corners. Now I'm off onto another project which is finishing the scrapbook of the grandkids here last summer. I'd say it was time.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Struck Out Again
Yes, I'm talking about my pizza class last night. Don't get me wrong, I had a good time and enjoyed the pizzas we made, they just weren't "the ones". I knew right from the get-go that the crust was not going to be what I was looking for, from the recipe. It used AP flour and basically nothing special. Then he said this would not be what we were used to but Italian style pizza crust. That should have meant Neapolitan but instead it meant cardboard. Like I said, I like the pizza except when the cheese didn't make it all the way out to the edge of the crust and it really got crisp. Otherwise the flavors in the pizzas were good, just would have been better with a different crust. I made the onion pie which first had a couple layers of cheese (mozzarella and swiss), then an onion sauce made with onions spices and cream, then chopped leeks and scallions and more spices. It seemed to be just about everyones favorite along with the salad pizza, as I called it. That one had about 3 cheeses layered on first (mozz, swiss and goat) then baked and when it came out it was topped with arugula, cherry tomatoes and a vinaigrette. Believe it or not, it was tasty. The other options were with a red sauce, which he made. Those were topped with all different toppings such as prosciutto, mushrooms, artichokes in addition to the cheeses. The instructor left much to be desired as far as the recipes and need to do most of the work himself. No wonder he seemed frazzled at times. So I'm back to square one as far as my pizza crust. I brought home some dough to try it at home, maybe a little thicker and see what happens.
Friday, March 22, 2013
What a Day!
Well, went to my class yesterday. What a day, weather wise! Of all days when I have to drive over an hour and have already paid for it. Getting over there was the least of my worries though. Never did I think it would be so bad coming home. It wasn't until right before my exit on 90 that visibility got to 0. I decided to take the back road to avoid any cars. People on the interstate drive way too fast for me anyway. So the rest of the way home I followed tracks in the snow at a snail's pace. But I made it! Now to the class. I'm beginning to think this free-motion quilting is not for me. I can't seem to get the hang of it and end up being very frustrated. The day was spent practicing and listening to information about workspace, machines and thread. Most of the talk about the thread fell on deaf ears I'm afraid. My focus was to learn how to do it before I can even think about using different threads. I realize some of it was important to know in order to make the process work but I wasn't ready to move on. I did learn I need a couple more things for my machine to work more efficiently for me. That extension table I failed to get with my machine would have come in handy. Also if I intend to use the clear thread I'll need a spool holder to hold it upright which I don't have now. Shame on you Babylock. You should have thought of this already. So my intention of coming home a confident beginner in the free-motion technique and a completed quilted table runner, was not going to happen. I did get some good ideas on quilting that table runner which I will probably use.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Quilting Project
In keeping you up-to-date on quilting projects, here's the latest. No picture yet but there was some drama with this. A little background first - I needed a project for my quilting class on Thurs. so I decided to make a table runner. The project was to be something smaller like a wall hanging or crib quilt size but I went a step further and did a table runner. This was mainly so I would be more apt to finish it and not have one more thing hanging over my head. Years ago I found some flowered material, three different ones to be exact, to make into a runner. The first was a bigger sunflower print (too green for this), a daffodil print (too small and dark) and the daisy print which was just right. Sorry to sound like Goldilocks but I wanted it to be right. My original plan was to use the daisy for the pieced flower and a polka-dot for the center and surrounding areas. I opted for a light gold center so it stood out better. It was a good choice. I made the half-square triangles (HST) after I finally figured out how big to make them. The instructions for them said to make them 7/8 in. bigger than finished size. I've make mistakes like this before so I went with 2 1/2 in as my finished size which included the seam allowance. That was a mistake. So after I had to cut down the squares I was back on track. The first block is always difficult or should I say not my best, and this was no different. By the second one (it took 3) I felt like I had it. Then as I was ironing the seams, my iron overheated, burned the ironing board cover, the material and thread in the seams. Thank goodness it was only 2 rows that I was putting together. I had another iron but I needed a new ironing board cover. The problem was that it was a small tabletop one and I don't even think they make covers for these. It was cheaper to just buy a new one, cover and all. Now I'm in good shape with a better iron and board. I have all 3 blocks together and just need to edge it and put the layers together, ready to quilt on Thurs. I'm excited to try the meandering technique with this and I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
My Mom's Birthday
Today is my mom's birthday. I often think more of her at this time and wonder what she would say about things happening now. Even this blog would have initiated a response. I think it would have been favorable, remembering how she herself took to new technology. I've mentioned before about her and the CB craze. She didn't seem to fight new things, especially not like my Aunt Mary Jane. Mom would have embraced the microwave, cordless telephone and computer. She might not have fully utilized their features but she would have made them work for her. I admire her for that and hope I'm a little that way too. Who knows what else is coming our way that us old folks will have to deal with.
Monday, March 11, 2013
A Weighty Issue
I started a class at the Y recently using weights. I've been through most of the classes that meet after 9 am and before noon that I can just pop into so this was the next step - signing up for Women on Weights for a 6 wk class. There's just one other newbie besides me and the rest just keep coming. They do different exercises so it's not the same thing exactly. It feels good to be strengthening my muscles this way and heaven knows I need it. But I had to get my goals in line for all this. I'm doing the weights because of "use it or lose it" and because it makes me feel good, at least once I get into it. The instructor made a comment about one of the machines we use and said it will give us a nice back. It made me think of all the videos I've seen where they talk about bikini season and firming up our bodies. Not for us ladies I'm afraid! There will be no miracle transformation during this 6 weeks or year for that matter with what we're doing in class. That I can be sure of. Any promise of it just sets us up for frustration and failure. Even to say we'll lose some weight is probably not in the cards. Mind you, I'm not trying to be argumentative or difficult, just realistic. I also am determined to keep my objective for all this simple - do it because it feels good. Whatever may happen will be a pleasant surprise.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Quilting Techniques
After going to that quilt show, I started thinking about some of the patterns I'd like to try. I need a small piece to take to my class in March to machine quilt and I thought I'd do a table runner for the cabin with my flower fabric I've accumulated. I got some daffodil material on sale a while back and would like to do something with that. I also bought some sunflower fabric on an impulse and afterwords wondered how to use it. I may have found a pattern for it. We saw quilts using the One Block Wonder block that fascinated me. It could also be called Stack and Whack (don't you just love the terminology). You are supposed to use some of those big prints that are so difficult to use in traditional blocks. What you end up with is a kaleidoscope design and each one is different. The One Block Wonder is one material that has been cut into these hexagon shapes that make up all different designs and they are put together in a watercolor sort of fashion. They are intriguing to say the least. The Stack and Whack is the same principle but the hexagons can be used individually with other designs. I'm not sure what exactly I will use for my table runner since I don't have a lot of time but at least now I have an idea of what to use that sunflower print for. It's funny because these patterns are not new but it's the first that I've seen or used them in my short quilting career. I've been exposed to some of these but never wanted to try them until now. I guess that's where keeping an open mind comes in.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Anatomy of a Quilter
I recently went to a nearby quilting show. Here's a few things I've learned about quilters over the past couple of years.
- I'm surprised at how many women wait until at least in their 50's to start quilting. I guess it isn't that different from me starting after retirement when we have more time to do it. Of course, you still have some young ones who talk about quilting for years and they had to have been sewing before they could speak.
- I'm not the only one who likes a bargain. At first I felt guilty going to JoAnn's and not the quilt shop. But I couldn't do all the sewing I want and pay over $10 a yard for fabric. Then I started talking to people and seeing them when I shopped and realized that we all go where we can get the best deal.
- Quilters are very innovative. More often than not it's because they are looking for a better, easier way of doing something. At the quilt show I learned about Triangulation which is a software program for making half-square triangles. It really saves time compared to the old fashioned way of using triangles. This also makes things go a lot quicker for us older ones who have that bucket list and the young ones who still have the job and kids to work around.
- Quilters need to be good at certain skills such as math, geometry, spacial concepts, and above all how to use a ruler. Trust me when I say there are still those out there who cannot figure out how to use a ruler. To successfully finish a quilt puts all these skill to use in a timely manner. It should be put on a resume as past experience.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
I Chewed It Up
I've been watching The Chew in the afternoons, at least until I get busy with something else. But this past week there have been a couple shows that interested me enough to sit and watch the whole thing. They were the Cooking Class and Pies. I was disappointed with both of them, I'm sorry to say. As far as the Cooking Class goes, they tried to handle way too much into an hour show along with all their regular things. They had several people from the audience working along with a regular to make something at his direction. The other regulars were helping them do it and at times had to take over so their people could watch and do the next step. I could see the frustration on their faces. I mean who teaches someone to make pasta in a 3 minute segment? The problem with the Pie show was that they never once gave a recipe or instructions on making crust. That's what it's all about, people and I'm sure they all knew that. It would have been much better to do pie making from beginning to end and make one decent pie instead of several with no basics. I'm sure others just like me were watching and waiting for the crust how-tos but they never came. It seems to be a fun show but like I said, they try and include way too much stuff for an hour show. Oh well.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
More Pillowcase Ideas
I've been making a lot of pillowcases the past couple years, mainly for the grandkids. The idea came from the girl I used to work at Preschool with when she told me she makes them in seasonal material for a child she knew. At one point I went out and bought a bunch of fabric with the intention of making pillowcases but never got around to it. The turning point in this was when I found the pattern for pillowcases using the "burrito method". I absolutely love this technique! And by the way, all that material I originally bought for them was used on some other quilts. So now I buy more relevant fabric. The first ones I made for the kids were a sports one and a horse one. They went over very well and now I think they look forward to them and even expect them. I just mentioned to my hubby that I should be writing down exactly which ones I make them so they are not duplicated. I would definitely hear about that. Last month it was Valentine's Day and needless to say, making one for a boy was tricky. I did a soccer one and avoided the whole discussion. This month is St. Patrick's Day (hers is shamrocks/his is pots of gold) and Easter (hers is pink and purple eggs/his is Snoopy at Eastertime). As we were walking through JoAnn's, my hubby found some hockey material - wow, what a find! Now when I need a holiday one for a boy and can't find it, I can resort back to this. Another idea that came to mind is a birthday one. They have adorable birthday-related fabric either with cutesy cupcakes or fireworks that would be great. I've come a long way from the birthday presents I made some of my daughter's friends out of bought pillowcases with movie characters on them. I cut them up and made a floor pillow out of them. I knew they were hits when the girls would lug them to our house for sleepovers.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Spring Cleaning
Even though technically it is not spring yet, it still seemed appropriate to start some cleaning. This week was supposed to be a tad warmer so I thought our sitting room would be more comfortable. My plan was to start cleaning out the filing cabinets and sort through the mounds of papers we've been saving. I have most of the paperwork I go through in a smaller cabinet that I've cut down to size before. It's the ones in the sitting room that we need to clean. It has proven to be slightly overwhelming as far as tasks go. But on the other hand it has been interesting too. I love going through old receipts and papers that give an insight into our lives back then. Just remembering when we bought something, how much it cost, where we got it and how long it lasted has been a hoot. I even found out that stamps only cost 20 cents in 1997! We still have a bunch to go through and I have to admit at times, besides being overwhelmed, I'm plain bored. There will be a sense of relief and satisfaction when we're done. In fact, as far as therapy goes, spring cleaning is at the top of my list.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Pizza Dough Quest
I am still on this quest of mine to find the perfect pizza crust. I've researched this and know that I need to use 00 flour to make the perfect Neapolitan crust. This is the New York style foldable crust. I don't necessarily want it paper thin, just chewy, slightly crispy and full of air pockets. My last attempt was combining bread flour and semolina flour which definitely gave me a different texture than what I had. I've tried all kinds of combinations in the past such as ap flour and cake flour or cornstarch, all bread flour, more yeast/less yeast, long rise time in/out of the fridge, and different cooking methods (pizza stone, parchment paper, cast iron skillet). I'll know it when I see it and it hasn't happened yet. I even found a place to buy the 00 flour but it's out of my price range. But I've just been able to sign up for a class where they sell 00 flour so I'm hoping we get to try that and I'll see if it's worth it. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Still Ironing
I guess the people from Monopoly who determine the piece that gets thrown out don't iron anymore. They must not be quilters either because we know it is crucial. For us it is part of that trinity - cutting table, sewing machine and ironing board. Of course you can cheat to a certain degree by finger-pressing or using some small devices such as a wooden stick, but in the end you gotta iron. I have even started setting my seams before I press them in a certain direction, as experts advise. There are some people that insist on starching small pieces before they are sewn. But it's not just quilters who would argue getting rid of the monopoly piece. All three of my kids are still ironers. It's not like I really pushed it on them as they were growing up, in fact I never had that Tuesday ironing day, but I did have the ironing board set up or handy for that occasional pressing. Most things that would require ironing are hung up right out of the dryer and don't need it. But I have some button-down shirts that always need the front bands ironed no matter how careful I am. Anyway, it is a skill that is good to know even if not used daily and I will be looking for that metal iron as a collectors item.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Ahead of our Time
That's exactly what my older daughter and I are as far as binge TV. I read about it in this morning's paper and immediately recalled those nights watching episode after episode of The Apprentice. She was working at the video store and picked up the dvds for us. Sometimes we would watch 3 or4 in an evening of a previous season. Once she moved away and I got Netflix, I did the same thing with the Housewives. Then I reached the roadblock. Netflix and their deals halted my renting a bunch of the seasons - only Target has access to most of those. I'm trying it again with my free month of Netflix. After this movie is sent back, I'm due for the 1st season of Castle. Of course, I can get my fill of binge tv already on TNT (Castle and Mentalist) and USA (Law and Order). TvLand also does the King of Queens for me late night. And I just found out that Curb Your Enthusiasm will be on too. So, I'm not the only one watching tv and catching up on shows but I sure was ahead of my time.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Visit to Claire's
Every time we go to the mall to walk, we pass Claire's Boutique. This brings back fond memories for me with my girls and getting their ears pierced (even if it wasn't there that we had it done). It is synonymous with little girls and their ears. Today I felt like one. I've been having trouble with the holes in my ears for quite a while now and I knew this was coming. I got a pair of earrings for
Christmas and when I tried to put them in this past weekend, I only got one of them in. Unfortunately, only one is not my style. So I mentioned to my hubby that the next time we go walking at the mall, I'd like to inquire at Clair's about getting my holes opened up again so I can wear earrings. He took me at my word and before I knew it I was sitting in the stool waiting for my ears to be pierced. I picked out a cheap pair of titanium blue posts and pop, it was done. Now all I need is cotton balls to put the solution on them. Hopefully, they will not give me any more trouble and maybe I can even buy more earrings.
Christmas and when I tried to put them in this past weekend, I only got one of them in. Unfortunately, only one is not my style. So I mentioned to my hubby that the next time we go walking at the mall, I'd like to inquire at Clair's about getting my holes opened up again so I can wear earrings. He took me at my word and before I knew it I was sitting in the stool waiting for my ears to be pierced. I picked out a cheap pair of titanium blue posts and pop, it was done. Now all I need is cotton balls to put the solution on them. Hopefully, they will not give me any more trouble and maybe I can even buy more earrings.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Early Spring?
I certainly hope it's an early spring according to the groundhog. Normally I don't let a little snow or cold get me down but come on! Maybe one or the other but both is getting ridiculous. I always gauge what the rest of the world is like by the main road by my house and that has been snow covered for quite awhile now. Then factor in the bone-chilling temps and you have a mess. It not only affects going out but staying in. The basement is too cold to exercise and the sitting room is too cold to clean. Both activities are on my wintertime list. Even yesterday when we ventured out to Wal-Mart during one of the so-called lulls, the forecast was spot on when they said more snow in the afternoon. One the way home it started snowing. Granted, I've seen a lot more snow in my day but it just doesn't seem as fun as it used to be.
Friday, February 1, 2013
One Potato, Two Potato
Yesterday I made my first potato bag for the microwave. I've seen these before but talked myself out of it because of safety concerns. Then I read more about it and discovered that they really are safe as long as you follow the right precautions. I was unable to find the potato fabric at any of the shops , only pricey fabric on the internet so I used other 100% cotton that I had. It worked well for me because there was stuff that I knew I wouldn't be able to use anywhere else. I ended up using some blue fabric with coffee beans on it and a brown for the lining. That's the most important part of the whole process - 100% cotton, including the thread. What's nice about this is that it can also be used as a hotpad. My only problem with the bag was getting the closure figured out. It was supposed to overlap in the front of the bag. I tried twice until I got that right as the instructions didn't explain it very well at all. So last night, along with some spencer steaks and salad, I made 2 baked potatoes in my bag. You are not supposed to prick them, just wrap in a paper towel and put them in the bag. Cook according to your microwave and voila - delicious!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
My First Zumba
Yes, I finally took the plunge and went to a Zumba class on Tues. Up until I pulled into the Y parking lot I had every intention of still going to the Silver Sneakers class. Then, I think I realized what I was going through just getting to the Y by 9:15 and thought I should probably make it worth my while. That's when I thought I'd try the Zumba. As I walked in, everyone was very friendly with words of encouragement for the newby. It was definitely a happy place with no chairs. I was still concerned that it would be too fast and too many dancey moves and both of those were justified. But I managed to survive if only for 45 minutes instead of an hour. I think the warm-up was the worst part and then it got better. Not that I was, mind you. I basically tried to do the feet movements the best I could and I'll leave the arms for another class. The girls said it takes at least 3 classes to learn the moves and for me maybe more. But that's OK because I had a good time and really felt good when I left. Isn't that what exercise should be all about?
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Classic Sitcom Moment
Talk about inspiration! I think I've written before about some of the TV shows I've been watching, such as Castle and the Mentalist but I've also been catching some old sitcoms late night on Tvland. One that I love is King of Queens. I almost wrote a blog about "What would Carrie do" a couple of days ago when something really irritated me. I might get back to that one again but last night was a classic moment on the show. I think it was titled "Strike Out" and was about Doug and Deacon on strike and sleeping all day. Carrie and Kelly arranged a play date for the 2 of them plus Arthur and the baby. They were totally bored especially when Deacon was playing with the baby with the See N Say farm animals. We all remember that one , right? They ended up betting on which animal would come up next. That energized them and they had a great day, for a bunch of guys. What a classic!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Brilliant Flash
At the end of an e-mail sent by my sister, there was a line that said - My mind is like lightning, one brilliant flash and it's gone. I couldn't have said it better about my mind/memory. I've read all the stuff about keeping your mind strong and things you can do to help. I suppose I could do more but maybe I forget to. Who knows. At least I can write about it here. One incident happened sometime before Christmas (can't remember exactly when). I was at the post office when a young girl came in and requested a package for her grandmother who was a neighbor of mine. As soon as she said the name I remembered her name from preschool. When I asked if that was her she was immediately surprised that I remembered her. We chatted for a couple minutes but I know I made an impression on her and myself. How could I remember such a thing when I don't recall stuff that happened yesterday? Anyway that will always amaze me as it did with my mother-in-law who told us the same old stories over and over and swore it was the first time she ever told anyone. Even as I sat here writing this it crossed my mind that I wrote a blog on it before, but I couldn't remember how to get to that list of all my previous blogs.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Squeaky Wheel
We have been frequenting the Cleveland Home and Flower Show for a good many years. Most of those times have been very positive despite the time our car broke down and getting it fixed involved a rental car and second trip over. It all makes for memories in my book. Last year we made our annual trip with both my daughters and future son-in-law. The theme was TV shows and that brought back a lot of memories itself. One feature I always try and do is the cooking demonstration. Sometimes it's Gloria Paganini herself and other times her pastry chef daughter puts on the show. I always enjoy it especially when we get to sample the food. Last year we looked up the time of the demonstration and planned accordingly. However, they changed the show to be a vendor only show and that really upset me. As far as I was concerned, mid afternoon on a Sunday should be for the ticket holders not the vendors who are working their areas as they should be. There were almost none of the vendors at the cooking demonstration anyway. I fumed to the people there to no avail and then as we were leaving I voiced my displeasure to a girl who worked in the office. Evidently she was the perfect person to talk to because she apologized to me and said she'd send me some free tickets to this year's show. She even called me to ask my address but no tickets ever showed up until today. I received 4 complimentary tickets to the Cleveland Home Show in the mail today! I guess the squeaky wheel actually does get oiled!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
GPS or No
Last time I wrote about our close call on the road when it was foggy. Another incident that got me thinking that happened that night was the encounter with an elderly lady at Over the Mountain. She walked in and came to our table to ask directions. Evidently, she missed her exit on 80. She didn't know the exit number just that it was the one with Dutch Pantry which is 120 and the second Clearfield exit. It was no surprise that she couldn't see anything in that fog. My hubby proceeded to give her a couple of options as far as getting to where she was going. She was frazzled to say the least and we would have had her follow us back out had she stayed long enough. At one point I asked her if she had a GPS, to which she replied, "No". I thought about that after and came up with my list of reasons in favor of a GPS.
- I think the best reason for one is in the case of fog or limited visibility. An added concern is when you don't know the area to even estimate where your turn is. At least with a GPS you have someone telling you when and where to turn.
- I like having company when I'm driving by myself. My girl is called Mandy and though at times she can be annoying, I know she's there with me.
- Humans are definitely flawed. With that said, I use the GPS in conjunction with directions given to me by someone else, just in case. It has helped!
- I also like the fact that Mandy will tell me in advance which lane to get in, before I'm confronted with a lane shift.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Close Call on the Road
We had a very foggy weekend, all the way from here down to our cabin. I noticed along the way that the more snow there was, the more fog. My hubby explained that it was called sublimation or when a solid (snow) goes directly to a gas (fog). This all took place because of the temperature change. Anyway, it was definitely worse up on the hill at the cabin and as we took off to eat Sat. night, the road to the restaurant was no exception. My hubby took it slow and with the fog lights on was able to see the lines on the side of the road. Visibility was quite low for oncoming traffic but we were managing. Of course, some people were not as cautious as we were and also thought as long as they were driving a big truck with 4-wheel drive, they were invincible. At one point I saw my hubby veer to the right off the road, then the oncoming traffic moved to our lane and that aforementioned truck was driving on the berm on the opposite side of the road. It all happened so fast. I attribute all of us getting out of that in one piece to my hubby for his quick thinking in moving off so others could avoid a collision. Then, to top it off, when we all resumed our lanes, 2 other cars behind us passed like bats out of hell! Were we going too fast? Hell, no! That was exactly right for weather conditions. Those other drivers put the safety of everyone else on the road with their actions.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Poinsettia Success
I think I finally cracked the code on keeping poinsettias alive over the holiday season, but not because I tried. I've gotten at least one plant sometime in Dec. almost every year, put it on the tv stand and tried desperately to keep it alive at least through to New Years. This year, I guess my heart wasn't in it or because I got a really good deal on the plant at ValuKing. It sat there drying out for days and I would remember about watering it while we were gone. So I finally got around to watering it about once a week after it had dried out completely. I put it in the kitchen sink and poured water inside until the foil around it bulged. It sat there for a few hours letting the water absorb back into the dirt and then when I felt it was safe to put back on the stand, back it went for another week or so. When I finally put 2 and 2 together and realized what I had done, I was amazed. There's no a leaf dried up, fallen or curled. It looks better than the day I got it and I didn't even try. I even thought I saw a couple new shoots coming from the bottom. Now comes the attempt at keeping it alive and well until Valentine's Day - whatta ya think!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Morning of Exercise
Yes, I finally started exercising again but this time with a twist. I have a space set up downstairs for my exercise dvds, ball, weights, etc. but have lost interest in it the last several months. I knew with the new year I would need to start up again if nothing else but to reassure the cardiologist that I am, in fact, exercising. I realize I could have told him anything, just to get him off my back, but that's not in my nature. Even if it's one lap around the mall with some strategically placed stops, it's still exercise. Anyway, my hubby was the one who suggested enrolling at the Y to help him lose some weight and I was totally on board. I have wanted to do some classes there, even Silver Sneakers, since I retired. That's what I did this morning and I really feel great. I'm probably the youngest with the least amount of gray hair and also able to do what the instructor asks. There was a lot of stretching going on which I'm sure will feel like muscle spasms come tomorrow morning. It was a good place to start until I work my way into another class. No major expectations this time around though - just for the fun of it. That's what it's all about for me now - doing things I enjoy!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
New Year's Projects
As usual we get rejuvenated at the beginning of the new year. The same holds true for me. I was off to a slower start this new year but I've already finished a few projects that never were completed last year. This was all stuff still sitting on the bed in my sewing room with no where to go until done. The first project was the handy hotpads started in Nov. I made one before I wrote about the new way to sew on binding. Now it was time to make the second one using my new technique. They are great for lids and handles when you don't need a big pot holder and these I'm keeping for myself. The next project was my bucket bag that was begun early Nov. in a class. I'm not thrilled with this for several reasons. I was in a rush to make it that day and the pockets are not how I would like them. It's OK but I prefer my bow bag that I put a new strap on (one of my projects, too). Previously it had 2 straps that were not lined with fleece so they had to be replaced. Then I made 2 pillowcases for the grandkids. These were new projects though. The last project since the new year is to put the border on my quilt that I made in class. We're supposed to get together sometime this month to show our quilts and thought I should probably have it done. At first I was going to do some half-square triangles around the top and bottom but then I decided to do the same starburst pattern in the quilt only a smaller version. It will be a slow project I'm afraid but I'll keep working on it. This one might stay on the bed for awhile.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
I'm back!!! Hopefully I will continue to write this blog and not be so overwhelmed by other things. I really do miss writing little tidbits that I experience or notice on a daily basis. This one is about our trip to Applebees for lunch yesterday. The neighbors gave us a very generous gift card to use there and when my hubby suggested stopping for lunch somewhere, I brought up the card. I enjoy eating out wherever we go and that's why I usually leave the decision up to my hubby. It's not because I want to take a back seat or anything submissive in nature but, after 39 years of marriage you learn when and where to assert yourself. However, he was the one who wanted to go to Applebees and after initially trying to get him to go somewhere else, we ended up there. From my perspective the meal was great. This was the type of meal I wish more restaurants would offer. By this I mean smaller quantities or portions along with smaller prices. I ended up having the soup and half sandwich combo which was more than enough for me. What bothers me about other places is that the sizes are so big that I have to take half home and usually it dries out before I get a chance to eat it or reheating it is not a very good option. The sandwich was well filled with meat, cheese, bacon and condiments and the soup was full of fresh vegetables. I probably shouldn't have ordered the diet coke because that always fills me up too quick. The last thing I noticed was the dessert menu which intrigued me. Two things on it were the brownie bite for a dollar and ice cream shooters for $1.99. My hubby had the brownie bite and I had the hot fudge sundae shooter and both of us got more that what we expected and it was delicious! I read somewhere that you only need 3 bites of something to satisfy a craving for it. I think it was true. Anyway, lunch was a success, in my opinion and the bill only came to $25.29 - only .29 over our gift card. All in all the day went very well, money wise because I took back some things from Christmas, found other things that I needed and got a free lunch to boot.
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