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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Problem Solver

I think I'm somewhat of a problem solver in that I try and think through things and come up with a solution or different ways to attack an issue. The same seems to be true of this cold I've come down with. My husband and I both have it but there have been striking differences in how it's progressed. Mine still has not taken that turn for the better that I've been hoping for. Yesterday while we were out shopping I mentioned to him how my legs have been aching really bad. He said his have been too even to the point of leg cramps. I thought that was an odd symptom of a cold. I was trying to wean myself off that cough syrup yesterday so I had just taken my pills. When I got back home I decided to take some cough medicine (around suppertime) and voila - no more leg pain. I certainly didn't expect that. I took more before going to bed but this morning I had the worst leg cramp in my right leg that I've ever had. So far this morning my legs are feeling pretty good but overall this cold has drained the life out of me. I feel like it's set me back about a month and I can't wait to be over it. I find myself analyzing every move I make to see what's working and what isn't hence that problem solving character trait.

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