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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Who Picks These?

I'm talking about the trials on tv, such as the Jodie Arias one now.  The first one I remember was O.J. Simpson years ago.  It was summer and I remember hearing the news reports when we were at Parker Dam that his wife had been killed and he was a suspect.  He was big news back then and we were all interested in listening to the reports, even my Aunt Mary Jane.  We used to have long talks about it back then.  I admit I spent a lot of time in front of the tv that summer watching everything I could on the subject.  In my opinion that was different than the recent trials that have taken up so much time on morning tv.  I have to blame the media for it and their desire to fuel the flames so to speak and their own consultants including Nancy Grace.  Who really cared about Casey Anthony or Jodie Arias besides the town and families of all concerned.  It was definitely not of national concern.  So why make such a show of it and get us all sucked in this way.  Now they are saying we have to go through this again with Jodie.  Excuse me but no, we don't.  Read about it on the internet if you have to but don't let the media determine what we are interested in.

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