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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Old Cookbooks

Boy, it doesn't take me long to come up with a blog idea when I start looking through cookbooks. I have a recipe for Chicken Pot Pie Soup and I saw another recipe for rivels (kind of like mini-dumplings) that I thought would go good with it. I looked online and found it was a German/Amish recipe so I got out my Amish cookbook. There, right inside the front cover was the name A. Markievich which was in my son's handwriting. I wondered for a minute why he would have written in my cookbook, especially back then, when he thought more about eating than cooking. Then I remembered - when he was in middle school and taking a class on PA history, I made a bunch of funnel cakes and took into his class. I recall that I had everything planned according to what time I was supposed to bring them in on one of my days off from preschool, when I got the phone call that they were ready sooner. I scrambled, finished them up, put my daughter in the car and delivered them to his class. He must have taken the cookbook into his class, therefore the name inside. I used the recipe again when I was a grad assistant when we also studied PA and it was a big success. Unfortunately, those were in my deep frying days which are long gone. Now if I get a funnel cake it's at a fair and few and far between. It does make for some delicious memories though.

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