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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Black Friday, Black Friday

I hear that remade version of It's Friday all through my head this week.  I've never been one to take on the crowds on Black Friday but the last couple years we've been heading out somewhere to do a little shopping.  We've found that since the outlet stores in Grove City open early, the traffic is fine mid-morning to head to Volant.  No one is there!  That used to be the extent of our shopping but as stores close in Volant, there's less to visit.  Then last year we stopped at Grove City on our way back and found most of the shoppers were done by that time.  So this year that was our plan again.  We were on a tight schedule so once we got to GC we had to split up to get everything done.  The only line we saw as we were driving in was at Coach.  They were only letting a few people in at a time.  Otherwise traffic was moderately light, parking was OK, the deals were great and lines in stores were small.  It was really busy there though and people were coming from all over such as NY, Canada and OH.  I personally found all that I was looking for which was a small list anyway.  This has been a tradition we started years ago before the grandkids came along and has included my dil, brother and sil, niece and her son and now my daughter's fiance. We'll see who we can recruit next year!

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