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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hits and Misses of Thanksgiving Dinner

I just watched a "Hits and Misses of Holiday Decorating" on HGTV so I thought I'd do one for my dinner. The hit I thought was my cranberry salsa. Melissa D on Food Network did this a couple weeks ago and I wanted to try it. Cranberry sauce is one thing that never gets used up, as much as I try. My husband is really the only one eating it that day and it just sits in the fridge until I throw it out. I just used a little of it to try but it's with regular cooked sauce that you add whatever you would normally put into salsa. Of course I didn't have the jalapeno but I did have some chipotle cubes that I used. Mine ended up pretty spicy so next time one would be sufficient. I also added onions, cilantro and lime juice - it was tasty and a good way to get more of those cranberries into your system. So that was the hit (IMHO) and the miss was probably the gravy. All I can think of was that the broth from the turkey was not that strong because it was bland and not very appetizing. I must have had a premonition at the grocery store when I stocked up on the jar gravy on sale. So there you have it everyone - my list of hits and misses. Live and learn - wooo, I think I feel another blog about 3 words coming on.

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