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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

It's funny sometimes how my train of thought goes. Last week I got an offer in the mail for Oprah magazine for $12.oo plus an O bag. I didn't want to get it without first browsing the mag itself so during one of our stops at Sheetz, I bought one ($4.50) I read an article about new year's resolutions that stated instead of using nouns or verbs to describe what we wanted, we should use adjectives. It made sense to me. It makes you think about how you want to feel and how to get there. Take weight loss, for instance. If you say you want to be healthy and confident there are different ways to achieve that, not just through weight loss. I think it sets us up to be successful more often. The article also stressed that we should be thinking about positive things we have going for us instead of just things we want to change. Anyway, I read the whole article and decided maybe I'll subscribe, especially for that great rate, plus a bag. I'm a sucker for a bag I guess. I've never been a huge fan of Oprah, even though I admire her. I think what really ticked me off was when she would praise Bob Greene and how he helped her lose weight and then promote Hoodia (sp.) and the Secret when it takes will power and hard work. She, of all people, should know that.

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