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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Presents

There have been alot of articles in the paper lately about memories of Christmas's past so I'll share one of mine. I'm not sure how old I was or even if I still believed but one year I received a table and set of chairs for Christmas. It's always been a struggle for me and I'm sure the same was true for my mom, to keep everything a surprise until Christmas morning. That year it was my brother who found my gift in a little room off my parent's bedroom. This was an early edition of a walk-in closet, I'd say, and later on it would even become my brother's bedroom (but I digress). Anyway, when he found it, he shared his enthusiasm for his find with me. My parents overheard the conversation and quickly went upstairs and moved it. As my brother took me up to see it, it was no where to be found. Of course, I was very upset with him and thought he was just teasing me and being mean. He was dumbfounded! He was certain he had seen it. I can't remember the reaction on Christmas morning when it appeared again or if I got an "I told you so" from my brother. I think hiding presents has to be the hardest thing for a parent. Every time I thought I had a good spot, the kids would see something and I'd have to start all over again. Some years I would keep them in my trunk, but that didn't work well with the station wagon. A few years ago I decided enough is enough and as I bought the gifts I would put them under the tree. That met with much resistance from my older daughter who still wanted everything put out late Christmas Eve. I should have taken some advice from someone at work who said her daughter-in-law saved one big gift from Santa for Christmas morning and the rest were wrapped, put under the tree and were tagged from the parents. That would have saved me alot of hassle over the years.

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