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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Canning, Again

This has got to be my last entry about canning! I'm down to the green tomato recipes so you know I've hit rock bottom. We still have tomatoes and I can only imagine how much longer we will. In fact, the girl that does the foodie group on the Internet has asked if anyone will contribute to an article about canning. I thought for a minute but all enthusiasm for it has disappeared, all that's left are the tomatoes. If she would have asked about 3 weeks ago, I would have been on board and loving it, but now - NO! I have filled my two long shelves reserved for canned goods in the utility room and moved to the vertical shelves. It'll give me a reason for clearing away some to the tools and pans needed to make some space but I'm at the end of my rope. I even think we need to redo one of the boards on a long shelf that's just barely on the side support. I'm worried it could come crashing down. Just the thought of all my hard work ruined turns my stomach. Anyway, it's supposed to be hot today so better get to work and get my last of my salsas done.

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